Study: women who attend church regularly are healthier, and live longer
CNS News reports on a new Harvard study that was published in JAMA Internal Medicine. It says: A new study by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and published online in JAMA Internal...
View ArticleDavid French identifies the root case of sexual assaults on university campuses
David French has written about the problems that women are facing on campus in National Review. (H/T Sarah) Excerpt: In the debate over Title IX and sexual assault on campus, I keep hearing the same...
View ArticleWhy did Dan Barker leave Christianity for atheism?
Unbelievable’s radio show featured a discussion with former Christian Dan Barker, the founder and co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. The MP3 file is here. (60 minutes) I thought...
View ArticleThe Thoroughly Rational Conversion of Michael Minot
One of the things I’ve noticed hanging around in church on and off the last 20 years or so is that it often seems to be the case the church leaders seem to value some people as leaders more than...
View ArticleStudy: early sexual activity has negative impact on relationship quality and...
I’ve posted before about how premarital sex affects the stability of marriages by making divorce more likely. But there has been more research published since. Let’s take a look. Here a good study on...
View ArticleNew study: decline in mainline church attendance linked to progressive theology
This study was reported in the Weekly Standard, of all places. Excerpt: A literal reading of scripture and faith in an interventionist God strengthen church attendance. According to a new academic...
View ArticleHow does church appear to someone raised in a non-Christian home?
My friend Wes posted an article about how communication is set up in the church, and why it’s not effective at equipping Christians to defend their worldview in hostile environments. The article...
View ArticleIf you accept Jesus and become a Christian, will God make you happy?
This is a wonderful, wonderful post from Amy Hall, who writes for the Stand to Reason blog. She writes: I had a brief interaction with an atheist on Twitter a couple of weeks ago that unexpectedly...
View ArticleWilliam Lane Craig discusses faith and reason with university students
This is an interview of Dr. William Lane Craig before college students at the University of Central Florida. (95 minutes) Questions from the interviewer: (40 minutes) What started you on his journey of...
View ArticleBest Easter sermon ever: Andy Stanley on 1 Corinthians 15:3-7
Although I went to church today, I thought I would post Andy Stanley’s Easter sermon for those who didn’t go. I listened to this sermon, and I think it’s excellent. The sermon was about 1 Corinthias...
View ArticleThe Mysterious Drew lectures on Christianity and the culture war in Defenders
Drew taught Dr. William Lane Craig’s Defenders class for two weeks in a row while Dr. Craig was in Australia. He chose to focus on secularism. Note: Drew has some problems with the microphone for the...
View ArticleHow I retained my Christian faith, sobriety and chastity on a university campus
A couple of years ago, I was talking to a woman who grew up in a Christian home that was very focused on externals. There was a lot of bullying to get her to comply with expected Christian behavior,...
View ArticleWhat about all those other books that the Church left out the Bible?
You may sometimes hear the objection that there were lots of other gospels and books floating around at the time when the 27 books of the New Testament were standardized. The right way to answer this...
View ArticleShould people in sinful lifestyles bully churches into celebrating them?
This story was the topic of the most recent episode of the Reasonable Faith podcast. Basically, a conservative, apologetics-friendly church had a homosexual person who wanted to be openly gay and still...
View ArticleAre all sins equally bad? Or are there degrees of severity for different sins?
This question came up recently so I did some digging on theology web sites to find what Bible verses applied to the question. Here’s what Ligonier said: It’s clear that we have different degrees of sin...
View ArticleJ. Warner Wallace: different answers to the question “why are you a Christian?”
I sometimes think about the horrible experiences I had encountering “normal” Christians in American churches after having become a Christian on my own through reading the New Testament, reading...
View ArticleWhy don’t men go to church anymore? The decline of male church attendance
I most recently spent half a year at a PCA church, and then another half a year at a Southern Baptist church. I attended Sunday services as well as Wednesday night Bible study. I am now looking for a...
View ArticleHow to be an alpha male and signal manliness without being a promiscuous...
These days, there seems to be a perception that in order to be an alpha male, you have to become a pick-up artist and sleep with a whole bunch of fatherless women, then ghost them (don’t talk to them...
View ArticleLooking for a great Easter sermon? Andy Stanley preaches on 1 Corinthians 15:3-7
Although I went to church today, I thought I would post Andy Stanley’s Easter sermon for those who didn’t go. I listened to this sermon, and I think it’s excellent. The sermon was about 1 Corinthias...
View ArticleShould Christian men expect a wife / mother candidate to know how to defend...
Over the weekend I debated with Christian feminists about marriage on The Transformed Wife Facebook page. At one point, I asserted that Christian women ought to have some knowledge of how to defend...
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